Categories: fitness

Princeton 70.3 Half Ironman Training: Week 3

I asked on Twitter last night if y’all wanted me to break up my Runner’s World posts a bit with other posts in between. 

Well, I’m freaking exhausted right now, so I’m just going to tell you about Week 3 of my Half-Ironman training instead, cool?

Monday: Ashley’s husband was in town, and I was supposed to row with him, but…I drank wine on a lobster boat the day before, so…yeah. I decided to take Monday as a rest day.

Tuesday: Swim drills! When I started training a few weeks ago, my training was usually just assigned in terms of time. That got real boring real quick, and it was really easy for me to talk myself out of finishing it. “Meh, what’s the difference between 30 and 35 minutes?” Now that I’m being assigned drills, I don’t stop when I get tired, I stop when the workout’s done.

Note: My swim workouts are in laps instead of distance, because my pool is a weird length.

12 laps warm-up

6 x 2 laps: leaving the wall every minute

4 x 6 laps, taking 10 seconds in between and focusing on the spine lengthening

6 x 2 laps, 1, 3, 5 with pull buoy, 2,4, 6 with open hands

3 x 4 laps, fast

10 laps cooldown


Wednesday: Corporate Challenge with coworkers. I’ll do a full recap sometime soon, but yikes. YIKES. It was PACKED. Let’s just call this a fun run.

Thursday: Another awesome swim workout. One of the first where I started feeling strong and like I was getting some endurance under my belt. 

12 lap warmup

4 x 2 laps, kicking, with 20 seconds rest 

4 x 2 laps

4 x 8 laps with 30 seconds of rest. I took these a little faster, at what I’d consider my “race pace.” Whatever that is.

Friday: Rest day. And thank God, because I had a 6:45am flight!

Saturday: Just a casual 5K + 10K

Sunday: Just a little half marathon.


Thankfully, the training’s been more exhausting than physically grueling. I feel tired but still strong!

Tell me about your training.

Theodora Blanchfield

View Comments

  • This is so inspiring. You look so awesome! Please keep us posed on your progress!

  • Awesome workouts!! And great job on the Runner's World races! I'm going to try your swim workouts - they look challenging and I know I get bored of just swimming straight laps. Just to be sure - in your workouts 1 lap is down and back right? And any idea on the length of your pool (not sure what mine is...have to check)

  • Super jealous of your swimming, and your wetsuit purchase (instagram stalker over here) I need to buy a wetsuit and start getting comfortable in the water!

  • I work in Princeton (live near Philadelphia) and one of my coworkers is doing the Princeton Half Ironman so I will probably go and cheer him and everyone on. I'll be sure to scream extra loud when I see you!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield
Tags: triathlon

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