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Life Lately

This week was another week of super highs and super lows, and I have a lot to say but no focus, so maybe some highs and lows again?

Let’s get the lows out of the way, shall we?

  • I had my uncle’s wake and funeral earlier this week. Although, to be perfectly honest, we weren’t particularly close, a loss is still sad. Especially when it affects those you love like my dad, his brother.
  • Still waiting to hear something re:my mom’s health. I heard some potentially not-so-good news the other night as I was walking to my therapist. If you’re ever going to hear not-so-awesome news, plan it immediately before a therapy appointment.


Thankfully, there was also lots of good stuff to keep me busy/distract me from the other stuff.

  • Ashley and I went to see Kate the Wasp‘s comedy show the other night. Some laughs were DEFINITELY needed.

  • The other night, the NYJL hosted a reception for our Outstanding Volunteers and Sustainers. These women work so hard on behalf of our organization, and it’s such a pleasure to celebrate their hard work. I was especially happy and proud my friend Courtney was among the OVs.
  • Yesterday, I stopped at the Rebecca Minkoff sample sale after Lacey showed me this beaut. It was the last day of the sale, so I scored it for only $85!! I also scored this little guy for $65. They’re also still doing an online sample sale which doesn’t have as killer deals as the IRL one, but still pretty awesome.
  • And then I impulsively booked a trip to Milan for March?! I’ve had some money put away waiting for an opportunity for a vacation, and I spied a great deal on Facebook for flights on Emirates for two to Italy. Word to the wise: I went to book and it looked like it was going to be a little more than advertised, so I searched Kayak and found the same deal on Alitalia. Any Milan tips more than appreciated!

  • And this afternoon I went to Sacred Sounds aerial yoga on a Groupon Meg and I had bought. I’ll write more about it soon, but in short: it’s FUN! It’s so hard not to be present in the moment when you’re focusing on not falling out of the silks. I’d been SUPER sore from an Uplift class on Friday, and I did a short run this morning to shake things out pre-yoga. (Yes, THAT SORE that I needed to loosen up before a class that, you know, is supposed to loosen you up.)
  • I walked home, and ended up getting new sheets at West Elm. I’ve had gray sheets for awhile but was thinking this morning that I needed something brighter/happier. I spent too much of my morning online shopping for sheets (#thisis32) and was happy to stumble upon a sale in West Elm. Jess from Bows and Sequins’ adorable apartment pics inspired me to make some changes to my own place, even though I think I may move this year when my lease is up.
  • Meg introduced me to Pippin, the cutest vintage jewelry store AND THEN! AND THEN! I saw all kinds of Christmas goodness in The Container Store.
  • Super random, but I got a Roku stick a few weeks ago, and it’s pretty life-changing. I haven’t had cable in years, and my old AppleTV crapped out over the summer.

tl;dr? Apparently my worry manifests in shopping.

And you? How was your weekend?

Theodora Blanchfield

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  • So sorry for your loss. You said you weren't close to your uncle, but it is still a loss. It makes us consider and contemplate our own mortality.

  • Fingers crossed for healthy news for your mom!
    My weekend was a big ball of anxiety, starting with the attacks in Paris and then just a buildup of worry about everything under the sun. I couldn't shake it, so I am exhausted today.

    • I know :( It's so sad what's going on in the world right now. I logged onto FB last night and in addition to Paris/Beirut/Lebanon, all I saw was bad news. It seems like this is a rough time for everyone right now for some reason.

  • Being proactive is a great prevention strategy - the old "stitch in time saves nine." Great advice to plan a therapy appointment if you could potentially hear bad news. It could also be meeting a friend for coffee or phoning a sibling. My dad just had some upsetting medical news. I just spoke to my brother who I don't speak to very often and just talking for a bit has made me feel better. Thanks Theodora!

  • Milan....sooo jealous! Sometimes I love the anticipation of vacations just as much as the vacation itself. Love the arial yoga. I've always wanted to try. Have a great week!

  • I'm so sorry to hear about your loss Theodora. And I hope it is only good news going forward regarding your mom.

    I applaud you for your ability to recognize both the lows AND the highs! Life is difficult and it's only fair that we let ourselves enjoy the high points even when other things may not be going smoothly. I LOVE the idea of the impulsive trip to Milan - that sounds amazing!!

Published by
Theodora Blanchfield

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