Scallops, spinach and sweet potato.
So, I end up eating out/ordering out a lot because I just don’t like cooking. Which could have to do with the fact I’m pretty bad at it. Which may or may not be a factor of my impatience sometimes.
In my new place, I have a convection oven in lieu of a regular oven. WEIRD, right? I’ve lived here about a week and finally decided to give it a try with my baked sweet potatoes. Meh. I put them at 400 degrees for 20 minutes like I used to and they just weren’t doing it for me. 10 more minutes at 400 degrees made them a little better, for a total of 30 minutes.
One of my original goals was to try to share with you all how to cook healthily for yourselves. I think I’ve shown you it’s pretty easy to eat healthily when you go out (as well as that I can become obsessive when I find food I like.) I made excuses about not liking my kitchen before or that I didn’t have time, or whatever. No more excuses. I’m going to try really really hard between now and Aruba to cook as many of my meals as possible. I also need to start bringing lunch more often; it’s throwing money away to buy something I’m just going to eat at my desk.