So I haven’t written anything since the middle of August. I attribute this to a few things:
1. We (Redbook, where I work) were closing an issue, and things got superhectic for a bit.
2. Birth Month was in full swing, and Lacey (my BFF/roomie) and I were more than a bit busy celebrating.
3. The NYC Half-Marathon, and running in August in general, was hot and humid and gross and not inspiring in the least.
All in all, I think I got a little burned out and bored.
This article caught my eye yesterday, and the title and subhed alone made me wish I were off the subway and out running through the park. I can’t wait for the day when I have to wear a jacket for my jog and there are orange and brown leaves crackling under my feet.
Fall is still a few weeks away, technically, I suppose… but it’s less than two months till the marathon, and temps have topped in the 70s for the past week, and I’ve finally gotten some good LONG runs in. With a 17-mile run under my belt, it’s official: Training season has arrived. I’ve even dreamed about the marathon the past two nights. I’m getting excited. And I’m ready to write again.
This is a great article that is making me want to get out there…um, after my shoes return to me.
P.S. Laurel’s training really showed off on the tennis court as she got to almost every single ball I hit, even the ones that I was trying to hit where she wasn’t! I may have to train for a marathon to beat her at tennis!