Delish Detector!- Element Bars
So you’re off to the gym and you reach for your typical store bought energy bar, loaded with high fructose corn syrup and artificial flavors and sweeteners. It seems counterintuitive to call something a nutrition bar when there is so little nutritional value there. I know that when I go to the gym, I want something that will give me energy, but also taste good and is good for me. The solution? Element Bars!
Element Bars is an online company that allows you to create your own energy bars. It’s simple. All you do is go to their website, choose the base for your bar, the fruit, nuts, and sweets you like, any boosts you want to add depending on your goals, and then give your bar its own custom name. This way, you get to see exactly what goes into your energy bars and what stays out of them too! If you’re indecisive about what you want, you can browse the popular bars that other users have made. It’s fun, it’s easy, and they taste great.
OMG! In the words of a small, crazy, overexposed stylist: I DIE.
My problem with bars is that I’m allergic to nuts, which cuts down on the bars I can eat without dying. I usually resort to Luna bars, which I love, but have a ton of processed ingredients. I also love Gnu bars, but they’re hard to find. (They have a lot less processed ingredients and have a TON of fiber.) I am definitely going to try this.