These are the goals I set for myself last week. How’d I do?
My goals:
Fitness: Find a new half-marathon training program (I’m not crazy about the one I’m doing), stick to all runs between now and then. Do strength twice on top of that, including at least one workout on my own (as in, not in a class. In the gym. Alone.) Do yoga at least once. Take one day off. I took two days off, but the workouts I got in otherwise were great. I didn’t get to strength train twice or do yoga but I’ve done lots and lots and lots of stretching and my physical therapy is going well.
For next week: run three times, do strength once, yoga once, and other cardio twice.
Nutrition: I think I have decided for Lent to DRASTICALLY CUT BACK ON: bread, dairy products from cows (i.e., feta and goat cheese are okay) and red meat. Basically, I’m going back to the roots of where I began. I am also going to try to limit my alcohol consumption to 0-1 drinks on weeknights. So far, cutting back on the bread and cow has been a success! As a result, I’ve felt much less bloated. The booze? Dating makes this one hard…
For next week: stick to eating clean and cutting back on the booze.
Healthy thinking: Stay as positive as I have been and keep working on time management. This is coming along. I’m also trying really hard not to compare myself to others. (More on this later.)
For next week: work on being happy with myself and not comparing myself to others. Think about how far I’ve come. Step up the job search (ahem, am looking for either freelance or full-time writing work…) and stay positive about it.
Weight Loss: This has been all over the place lately. I technically “met” my goal a few times before my birthday, but I want to get there for real. So…1.5 pounds this week. Whew. Done!
For next week: 1 pound next week.