If you’ve followed my blog for any amount of time, you’ll notice I don’t often create recipes for the blog. I don’t take much solace in cooking. I try to mix up what I’m eating to keep things interesting, but usually end up in mini-patterns. The latest one is obviously the overnight oats. Yogurt, oats, sunflower seed butter, a bit of vanilla soy milk and some berries. So far, my favorite one has been the first one. I have never found a food banana has made worse.
If money were no object, I’d eat almost every meal out. Since I’ve been trying to save money, I’ve been trying to cook/prepare my own food more. I must say — just from trying to prepare meals in advance in the past few weeks, I’ve noticed a dramatic difference in my bank account.
What did you think of my video last night? I have a Lululemon poster at my desk (um, not hung yet though) that says “Do one thing a day that scares you.” For me, a video post was definitely something that scared me. What scares you?