It’s a Lifestyle

As I grabbed my gym clothes at lunch today and walked to the gym, I smiled to myself.

I remembered about a year and a half ago, as it got closer to my friend’s wedding in Aruba, my big goal, working out at lunch a lot, a habit I had previously thought was reserved for the crazies. I told MaryBeth that I wasn’t going to be “that girl,” that I was only working out at lunch because her wedding was coming up and I wanted to meet my goal.

Well, I am that girl. Her wedding’s come and gone, and I still work out at lunch sometimes, especially on days when I have Junior League meetings.

I still struggle with feelings of legitimacy sometimes when I work out–I still feel like the overweight girl who’s working out because she has to rather than the runner I am. Rather than the fit girl that I am.

But realizing that I consciously choose to work out at lunch some days rather than grabbing lunch with my coworkers and that I choose oatmeal over a bagel (even though I still crave bagels means that it’s a lifestyle. I do it because I want to, not because I have to. I like feeling on top of the life game, rather than dragging through it.

Oh yeah, and running the last .25 miles of my workout at lunch today at a 7:47 pace makes me feel pretty legit, too.

Today’s workout (with 0.5 mile warmup/cooldowns @ 10:00 pace):

  • 1 mile: 8:30 pace
  • .75 miles: 8:25 pace
  • .5 miles: 8:20
  • .15 miles: 8:00 pace
  • .10 miles: 7:47 pace <—- YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT.

So, I definitely got some Pump with a gift certificate afterwards.


Are you running the NYC Half, too? Erica is trying to organize a brunch afterward. RSVP here if you’re interested.

5 comments on “It’s a Lifestyle

  1. Lizzy

    Actually never mind, I think I get it… you did the first part of the .25 mile at 8 min/mile pace then went down to 7:47 for the last .10, right???

    I’m so proud of you, that’s a killer workout! How did you feel?

  2. Theodora

    @Lizzy: It WAS a killer workout. And yes to the second comment–that I dropped to 7:47 for the second half of the .25. It was really hard during, but I actually wasn’t too sore after–I felt much better than I did when I ran the speed workout last week.


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