Life’s a Beach

Someone I once dated used to keep track of how many beach days a year he was racking up. I should have done that this year, because I’m doing pretty well on the beach day front.

Today’s beach adventure was out to Sea Girt, NJ, a really cute little town about an hour and a half from my parents’ house. Earlier in the week, both Lacey and my mom separately asked if I wanted to go to the beach. Luckily, they didn’t mind going with each other, and so the three of us went.

I woke up without an alarm at 6:30 and headed out for a quick 45-minute bike ride for cross training. (I’m in shock, too, don’t worry.) My mom picked up me and Lacey at 8:45 from my apartment and we drove to my apartment to drop Bailey off before heading to the beach. We finally made it there by about 11:30.

It was incredibly sunny, and the sand was scalding hot, so we spent a lot of time in the water.




When we finally broke for lunch, we went to the Parker House, where I got a chicken sandwich with some BBQ sauce and bacon and a Longboard Lager, which doesn’t taste as good in a plastic cup.


My mom usually drives me and Bailey back because he’s a heavy dude in his bag, but I gave her a break tonight after our long day in the sun, and Lacey and I took the train back. We figured we probably spent more time traveling than at the beach today, but my tan says it’s worth it.

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Dog in a bag!

How many days have you been to the beach this year?

8 comments on “Life’s a Beach

  1. Laura

    how funny you posted this– I actually just went down to the beach in TX today! With my mom too! It was amazingly relaxing! your sandwich looks great. yum.

  2. Maggie

    I’ve been to the beach 5 or 6 times, I can’t remember. Normally it’s much more since my parents live by the beach but this summer has been crazy!

  3. Jillian @ sprinkle massacre

    My boyfriend’s parents have a house in Silver Beach, near we are there almost every weekend! I have been to Parker House though…you should try Pete and Elda’s Pizza if you ever drive’s in Neptune. Looks like you had a fun weekend 🙂


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