Margarita Crawl 2K12

A few weeks ago, my friend Julia had just come back from a tropical getaway, and we were g-chatting about her being in margarita withdrawal.

I understood her plight and didn’t want to see a friend in pain, so I proposed a margarita crawl.


We started in Brooklyn at Lobo, one of Emily’s favorite spots.


Emily said we had to have Sangre de Lobo margaritas, which are made with blood orange and cinnamon. It was tasty, but I really like plain margaritas, so I switched back to one for my next beverage. We also got queso and guacamole for the table, but I could have eaten the entire thing of guacamole myself and would have been very happy with that.


I really hate snow if I’m not skiing, but even I can’t argue that it doesn’t make everything look just a bit more idyllic.


Stop #2: Tortilla Flats. (Also.)


My shady attempt to take a picture of the table without anyone realizing.


At this point, we went for pitchers.

Before you think I had a wild night, I have to confess that I probably only ended up having 3 margaritas over the course of 3-4 hours. We also all ate our weight in chips and salsa and got food at Tortilla Flats. No pictures because the margaritas were more exciting to me, obviously.

And although my fave, Patron, was supposed to be our next stop, we ended at Tortilla Flats.


The next stop was Ten Bells in the Lower East Side for Lizmas, aka Liz’s birthday. I stayed for another drink or two and then was home and in bed by midnight, and now I’m trying to muster up the motivation to run. I skipped my 6-miler yesterday because of the snow, and it’s still a little slippery out there, so I’m going to take it to the dreadmill.

NYC people: where is your favorite spot for margaritas?

DC people: where is your favorite spot for margaritas? After 7 years of indulging too much in DC, this is certainly something I’m an expert on. My favorites: Rio Grande, Oyamel, Lauriol Plaza, Cactus Cantina and Alero. (I think this means a DC margarita crawl is in order the next time I’m there.)

21 comments on “Margarita Crawl 2K12

  1. Amy

    For DC Lauriol is the best! But you can’t forget about Rosa Mexicana. Great margaritas and delicious (although overpriced) guacamole.

  2. Emily

    It’s funny you ended right around the area where I say there are some solid margs in NYC… Love love Barrio Chino, Casa Mezcal, and Salon Hecho. Also, in Nolita Cafe habana is supposed to have good margs.

  3. Katy

    Lauriol Plaza all the way! I lived up in Cleveland Park and loved an afternoon on the patio and an easy stroll up the hill home. 🙂 Missing DC now.

  4. Aubrie

    Margaritas are my favorite subject.
    NYC- Rachel’s in Park Slope (mostly because they are $4)
    DC- Guapos. Pitchers of margarita and daquiri swirled? Yes, please.

  5. kirsten

    I read your posts all the time and you keep me entertained! I just had to comment on the Margarita crawl-so jealous cuz I would give my left arm to be able to live in NYC! I went to college in DC & lived there for some years afterwards. There were definitely so many great bars to crawl but for Margaritas my fav was always the Red River Grill! This bar was steps from Union Station and no longer exists but they had the best Margaritas & cheap pitchers too! Anyway if you plan a DC crawl & are looking for more company-I’m in!

  6. Tasha

    Have you ever been to the Mission District in San Francisco? I once did a burrito crawl there and it was amazing. I would imagine there are some pretty decent margaritas too!

  7. Chelsea M

    I love margaritas!! Some of my favorite have been at Agave in the West Village (try the blood orange there you may like it more) and El Camion in the East Village (they have a natural margarita made with agave yumm)

  8. Carly D. @ CarlyBananas

    I definitely have to echo the Lauriol Plaza comments. The best margaritas ever and they don’t taste anything like alcohol (which can be dangerous.. it’s easy to drink a lot of them but they’re so delicious).

  9. Allie

    If you make it to Phoenix… prickly pear at the Biltmore = the best! For DC, another ditto to Lauriol Plaza. In NYC, El Nuevo Amanecer in the Lower East Side.

    1. Theodora Post author

      @Theresa: Oooh, I forgot about the Rio Grande in NYC. I like that place, too. And a Texan seal of a approval is a pretty damn good endorsement.

  10. Dana

    In DC Oyamel and Surfside are my favorites! I’m pretty new to NYC so I’m gonna have to try out the places you mentioned 🙂

  11. Caitlin

    Dos Caminos, MXCO, and Cowgirl are my favorites. And let’s be honest, every now and then a Blockheads margarita happens. 🙂 I love the idea of a margarita crawl!

  12. Life's a Bowl

    Rio Grande is our #1 Mexican go-to! LOVE their fish tacos [and playing with a piece of dough haha] 😀 I guess it’s good/ bad that we now live 5 minutes away from it?! WHen I threw my fiance a surprise bday there in November they did an awesome job accommodating over 20 people! And, Cactus Cantina is always a treat when we’re in the city…

  13. amy

    Margarita crawl sounds like a dream!!

    Mercadito, Teqa and Vamos (which is random and I don’t really love the area – but just had a ginger/lime/mint one and it was delish!) are my fave 🙂


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