Feeling Good

I’m feeling pretty damn good right now.


We had our first Junior League event last night, and it went really well and was a ton of fun. It was Gatsby-themed, and I didn’t have anything twenties-ish, so I rented this sparkly Robert Rodriguez number from Rent the Runway. (You can get an invite here.)


I loved seeing everyone’s interpretations of twenties style.

After a few cocktails, I definitely slept in this morning until I finally roused myself to go to a yoga class Ashley organized at Equinox with the awesome and adorable Kristin McGee.

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Oh Equinox. I miss your classes and your fancy showers, even though I didn’t use them nearly enough.

Kristin led us through a great class geared towards stretching out tight runners’ muscles. The class was a pretty active flow–I was definitely sweating at some points–but it was never too intense for me. Which is good, because I have to run 22 miles tomorrow and didn’t want to be sore.

One of the poses we did that was new to me was the Dying Warrior. Terrible name, great pose. It really stretches our your IT band. (See video above.)

I wore some of the awesome New Balance yoga gear I got from work. This stuff is SO SOFT. And do you see that cute keyhole in the back? I’m wearing the Bodhi pant and Love cami. The descriptions says it “provides low-impact support for women up to a B cup,” but I’m usually a C, and it was still supportive enough for yoga.

The Empire State Building was looking awfully fake to me today. After yoga, I went in to work for a bit to knock out a quick project with my work spouse, Dana.
I came home and was determined to get 6 miles in. I wanted to finish out my peak week of training strong, but even more than that, I wanted to hit another goal: most miles ever run in one week.
After tomorrow, I will have run 47 miles this week. BAM.

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And 167 miles last month! My highest-mileage month ever. I’ve been hard on myself on my training, but when I realized this earlier in the week, I was really happy. 167 miles during one of the busiest months of my life? Not too shabby.
I’m feeling good about this marathon.
22 miles. Time to snuggle with Bailey.
GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE RUNNING CHICAGO TOMORROW!!!!!!!! I can’t believe it’s been two years since I ran my first marathon.

Oh, and I ran past David Blaine getting electrified. Creepy.

8 comments on “Feeling Good

  1. Megan

    Congrats on your record-setting month in September!! Good luck on hitting your weekly distance PR with tomorrow’s run! And yes, the David Blaine thing is creepy…

  2. Ericka @ The Sweet Life

    Woop woop! You are gonna do great too, can’t wait. Reminds me I should total up my mileage for the last month. The last two weeks I did 50 miles and this week I did 48 — never run this much in the past so hope it pays and for you too!

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