Celebrate We Will…

After a crazy December, going home for the holidays, and a lovely vacation, I needed some downtime this weekend REAL BAD.

Lacey and I grabbed drinks at my favorite place ever, Raymi, on Friday night. $6 glasses of wine, $4 bar bites, EVERY DAY, ALL NIGHT. Yup.

Yesterday morning, I woke up at 6:45 (WTF?) but lazed around in bed until 9 and got a bagel and ran a few errands. It. was. glorious. St. Croix was nice and all, but it did not have NYC bagels.


Gratuitous St. Croix shot?


Sorry, back to cold NYC. After Bagel Time (it’s an official time), I headed over to Emily’s for Selena’s baby shower. It. was. adorable.

Especially because of these cute little penguins denoting what each dish was. And yes, the bacon and spinach quiche was amazing.



There were also little penguin cupcakes, by the Cupcaketologist herself–vanilla with strawberries inside.

I spent a wild Saturday night in NYC putting some order back to my apartment after the holidays/travel. Much-needed.



Today, my parents brought my sweet little Bailey back, and we went out for lunch to celebrate my Cosmo article. My mom really likes to celebrate…and who am I to say no?

I had the beer-braised pork shoulder and shared some Brussels sprouts with my mom, with a Sandy relief IPA to drink. Always happy to help with beer.

Oh, since this is a blog about running and healthy stuff…

I ran twice this weekend! Getting back in the game!

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4 miles at dusk last night watching the Trump helicopter leave the 30th Street Heliport… (Hey, remember when I rode in a helicopter??)


This morning, I ran 6 miles with Jocelyn and Ashley.

Are you getting back in the game after the holidays? How was your weekend? Anything to celebrate??

12 comments on “Celebrate We Will…

  1. Nicole

    I had some great running and weights workouts this weekend, cooked a flank steak (a first for me!) that actually turned out, and I’m celebrating acceptance to speak at 2 conferences – one work, one blogging (Fit Bloggin’ – can’t wait).
    Have a great day.

  2. Cathryn

    Those penguins are adorable, I LOVE them. The Sprouts look fantastic as well.
    I ran 8 miles yesterday, slowly building back up to half marathon fitness. My legs ache this morning!

  3. Maureen

    I ran 5 miles Saturday morning, which went really well. I finally feel back to myself after the Philly Marathon. The rest of the weekend I cleaned out my drawers and closet. I seriously underestimated the amount of stuff I had (do I really still need the clutch I carried to the senior prom? I think not), but I feel so much better that most of it is now on it’s way to a new home.

  4. Ashley

    I took this weekend off with a goal to jump feet first back into my workouts this evening. Got to get back into a habit of getting to the gym each night!

  5. Meghan

    I had the perfect cleaning, organizing, exercising, and watching TV weekend. I think it’s going to take a few weeks to get back to normal after the holidays though!

  6. Eesh

    Those penguins are super cute! St. Croix is GORGEOUS!

    I was sick this weekend past so I stayed in bed for basically the entire weekend 🙁 I wanted to hike 5 miles to our “military’s base” but my body was in no kind of way having that.

    Your photos from your run are beautiful.


  7. Jessica R

    I definitely need back in the running game. Between the holidays and my trip to Spokane I have had a few slacker moments. I head back home tomorrow morning and really need to focus then. I have my first marathon this year!

  8. Jenny

    This weekend I was busy with my kids at a swim meet and getting ready for them to go back to school. Also planned out the week so we will not eat out. It is so easy to grab stuff out but so much healthier to eat at home and cheaper! Nothing new but always my struggle. This year I am going to start working with Jess! You inspired me. I love strength training but can never match it up with a trainninf schedule. I am old and slow but so look forward to working with her. I might not get faster but hope to feel healthier! Btw I love Brussels sprouts and I am going to be in NYC in April. I might have to try eataly. Looks so good. Thanks for your blog!! You are an inspiration!


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