Coming Full Circle

Six years ago, I was getting a haircut at my friend’s apartment.

I’d had a quarter-life crisis the month before and then did a whole lot of soul-searching. Was I happy in DC? Why did I still live there? What would happen if I left?

As Rachel clipped away, I talked through thinking about moving with them. I think I knew deep down what I needed to do but needed a little validation and a little push. (Side note: if you’re in Charlottesville and looking for a stylist, go to Studio 500 and ask for Rachel. You won’t be sorry.)


She cut bangs, and I decided I’d move. I went home and put my apartment on Craig’s List to find someone to finish out my lease.

I only regret one of those decisions.

I found someone right away, and spent the month of April 2008 saying goodbye to all of my favorite D.C. haunts and people. 

I had no real plan except to move home until I got my life figured out. I love my parents to death, but being 25 and living at home was a good enough push for me to get my life figured out real quick. I moved into the city four months after I’d left D.C., and I’ve been here for nearly six years.


Now, when I go back to D.C., it’s usually for races. I’ve totally turned my life around from when I left, and I love going back. Especially because then I get to come back to my happy life in NYC.

That said, Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler, I’m coming for you!

21 comments on “Coming Full Circle

  1. Katie

    I was going to say “you’re amazing that is all” but then I saw on your sidebar that you offer blog help, and now I’m thinking about that. So you may get an email from me at sometime!

  2. SP

    That’s the one race I was never able to do when I was living in D.C., have fun! I am spending this April in my 26th year doing something very similar to what you did in April of 2008. Following your successes gives me confidence that I am making a great decision, too!

  3. Ali

    This post could not have been more perfectly timed! I’m 25 and just moved from Boston back home to Chicago and have to live with my parents while I look to move into the city. I’m so glad to know that you didn’t have any regrets. I’m definitely looking forward to this new adventure!

  4. Laxmi

    Long time reader, de-lurking to say congrats. Your past and ongoing journey to lead a fit lifestyle is an inspiration.
    I am running the More/Fitness half next weekend, maybe I’ll see you there 🙂

  5. Jackie

    Woohoo! What an empowering way to look back on how far you’re come- but still having a huge appreciation for the journey. I always love to read when you go back to DC because you do some reflecting and looking back that I love to read! GOOD LUCK!

  6. Veronica

    What a transformation! I admire your “grit” as they say! Love reading your posts. Usually you have some great message or something that get me to think and evaluate. A lot of blogs have so much fluff and not much to say, but yours is really not like that!


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