The year since the last time I wrote one of these posts has been an emotional rollercoaster.
There have been some real highs (hello, trips to Dominican Republic and Italy) and some real lows.
But I still choose to be thankful, because I do still have so much.

They’re ok, I’ll keep them.
I’m now so thankful for every second I get with my parents.
I continue to be thankful for my job…and also braids. I’m so lucky to be surrounded daily by inspiring, uplifting, kind people who also really like to sweat.
I’m thankful for this furry little friend of mine who’s there for unconditional snuggles.
I’m thankful for having a crew of amazing friends who have been there for me for not just the fun stuff like being 30-somethings-going-on-teenagers at former JoBros shows but who’ve been there to support me when I really need them.
I’m thankful for being involved in the Junior League as a way to give back…and also to introduce women new to NYC to one of the most ridiculous places to go during the holiday season: Rolf’s.
And finally, I’m thankful for stuffing.
What are you thankful for this year?
I am most thankful for my family and friends, and for my ability to keep fighting. there are many things i want in life, that i’ve been working towards for years (fitness, a boyfriend, a job i love) and i’m not quite at those goals, but I keep trying to get there, and I have to be thankful that I haven’t given up.
This is really true. There are a plenty of things to be thankful for. Thank you!
This is such a great thing to do to keep yourself focused on the great stuff in your life. This year, I’m thankful to be living in a new city with my wife that gives us so many opportunities to do the things we love to do most. Here’s to having many new things to be thankful for next year!