Four Days in Sydney

Greetings from a beautiful wine cottage in Marlborough, New Zealand. This post has been drafted for a week but I haven’t had strong enough Internet to post, so here you go.

The trip of my life has so far been…the trip of my life. I still can’t believe I’m here!! Here’s some pics from what we’ve done so far!

Sydney Opera House

It’s hard to come to Sydney and not see the iconic Opera House. We took a tour, and I’m really glad we did to learn more about the background. It’s crazy to think that a building that’s so frequently associated with images of Sydney is so new, finished only in 1973.

Sydney Opera House

Cool fun fact: each of these peaks is designed as though it were cut from a sphere.

Sydney Opera House

Bondi Beach

We were told by everyone we couldn’t miss Bondi Beach…so we didn’t! We went on New Year’s Eve day and I took this shot just before 10am before we took a yoga class (hello, how awesome is it my Classpass works down here?!) — by 11, when we were done with yoga, the beach was PACKED (though still not as bad as NYC beaches.)

Frog Sydney Zoo

On New Year’s Day, we went to the zoo, mainly because we wanted to see koalas, but learned a ton about a bunch of animals native to Australia that also don’t exist anywhere else.

Tasmanian Devil Sydney Zoo

Hello, you (Tasmanian) devil, you.

Kangaroo Sydney Zoo

Hello, roo!

Koala Sydney Zoo 

Hello flying koala!

You had to pay extra to see the koalas up close and personal, but we decided to go for it, because, koalas.

Koala Sydney Zoo

Meg really hated her koala friend, clearly.

Espresso Martini

Oh, and Sydney really likes their espresso martinis, a move we can definitely get behind. We even saw them ON TAP at one bar!

That’s all for now — hope you all had a happy New Year! 

4 comments on “Four Days in Sydney

  1. Anne

    Oh, makes me miss Australia! We were there 4 years ago and I want to go back! Can’t WAIT to hear about New Zealand – totally on the bucket list… Hope you had an excellent time!


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