Category Archives: NYC

A Change in Perspective

Today was just what I needed in many ways.

Invigorating conversations, a run in the park in the warm air.

One of them was with someone I pay to tell me insightful things, but whatever. She’s also a trained yoga instructor, and so we do both traditional talk therapy and some more yoga/meditation/mindful stuff.


That was one thing we talked about today. You may see me being somewhat self-deprecating here in an attempt at humor, but my inner self-talk can be more rough than that, and how’s that serving me? Not at all.

Two yoga things she taught me: the breath of joy (which is said to counteract the sometimes shallow breath of anxiety I sometimes have) and a slightly modified version of fish pose. She said I should bend my knees and put my feet flat on the floor and put a blanket under my back for a more restorative version. This is another good heart/chest opener, which, according to Yoga Journal, helps with anxiety and menstrual cramps, among other things. Sweet. She told me to focus on some positive things we’d discussed earlier while laying in this pose.

So, I’ll share this Fitness article with you.

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They asked me a few questions about triathlons. Am I a triathlon expert? Hell no. Have I completed two (NYRR Sprint, Franklin Lakes Tri)? Yes. Was it cool to be featured? Yes!

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This run was just unbearably ugly and boring. I ran with Beth, Nicole, Bernadette and Allison for Abby’s Kickass 5K and it was great to catch up with a different group of girls and get out there in the park with what seemed like the entire city. The run to raise money for Crohn’s/Colitis was today, but you can still donate to potentially WIN A TRIP TO ACAPULCO. And, you know, help cure disease.

So yeah, there’s some stuff going on…but there’s plenty of good stuff, too.

Tell me something good that is happening for you or has happened to you recently. Or an awesome change in perspective you had.

A Regular Routine

Yesterday morning I was talking to my mom as I walked Bailey.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“What do you think I’m doing?” I asked. (90% of the time when I call her, I’m walking him.)

“Let’s see,” she said. “You’re either walking Bailey or you’re getting ready to go for a run.”

Correct on both counts. While I am not the kind of person who has to have everything scheduled down to the minute (in fact, that drives me nuts), I do thrive on some sort of routine. Old Theodora, who had no hobbies of her own, was unhealthy and entirely co-dependent on her friends, would sit around and wait for people to make plans with her. Other than getting up and going to work, she didn’t have much of her own routine.

These days? There’s one thing that’s a definite part of my weekend routine, and that’s running.

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Whether I’m training for a marathon or not training for anything at all, there are very few Saturday mornings I’m not headed out for a run.

I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love that running has become such a big part of my life, and I love that it’s something that’s always there for me, when I’m happy, sad or somewhere in between.

Yesterday morning’s run was with my NYJL run group. I was running a bit late, so I started on the west side of the park and ran east to meet up with them, running into Michele somewhere in between! I ran a total of 4 miles, and then we went to the Central Park Boathouse afterwards for a little brunching action.

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I had the veggie omelette with…more veggies on the side. The omelette was one of the specials, and I didn’t realize that avocado would be on it, so I was basically like a kid on Christmas when I discovered the avocado on top of the omelette.

After brunch, I was craving some me time, so I headed over to the Yoga Journal conference to wander the expo by myself.


For someone who’s newly obsessed with yoga, this was like a dream come true. I don’t do yoga a ton at home, but I bought blocks and a strap for the times that I do. Also, I really just wanted a block to lay on sometimes to release soreness in my sacrum and hip flexors. I went home after, got Bailey and spent most of the rest of the afternoon wandering a street festival with Bailey. He ate lots of funnel cake and is now the owner of three new pashminas.


Hello, blueberry pisco. You are wonderful.

Once I’d had enough time with myself, I met up with Lacey for drinks and a comedy show. Mike Vecchione was the headliner, and he was okay, but Ophira Eisenberg, the host, totally stole the show. She is freaking hilarious, and apparently I’d seen her before.

What’s part of your regular weekend routine? And who’s your favorite comedian?