Category Archives: NYC

Help a Girl Out

This morning, I was finally able to return back to my apartment. The power had been out since Monday night, and I was able to stay with my friend Shannon all week. I think I may owe her my first-born child now.


Lessons in packing light: don’t do what I do.

I was relieved, like so many others last night, to hear that the New York City Marathon was canceled, as it just didn’t seem like the right thing to do right now with so many still with no power, no food, no home or in gas lines that stretch for hours. While much of Manhattan is fairly close to back to normal, that’s not the case everywhere. I’m curious, though, if you were planning on running it, what are you doing now? I’ve talked with some friends who are just going to accept they weren’t meant to run a marathon this fall and others who immediately signed up for another marathon.

I saw on Facebook the other day that my blogger buddy Jen was one of those who lost so much in this storm. You can read more on her blog, but she lost her home, car and all of her belongings in Hurricane Sandy–and nearly her husband. While nobody deserves this, Jen is a sweetheart with a tremendously big heart. She is a mom who lives on Staten Island and commutes into the city, and still always finds time to work out. One of her friends set up an online fundraising page to help. I’ve already donated, and I ask you to consider doing the same.

*Edited to add: She’s also looking for a new place to live in Staten Island, so please let her know if you have any leads.

That’s about all I got right now, folks.


I’m so thankful right now.

Thankful for my friend Shannon for watching Bailey while I was away this weekend and for then taking us back in when my power, water and gas went out on Monday night.

Thankful my apartment is okay.

Thankful my parents are safe and sound.

Shannon and I hunkered down with our dogs on Monday night to watch the surreal coverage of the storm. There’s no other way to describe it but surreal. We haven’t turned off NBC News since Monday. I don’t want to watch any more of this coverage of the devastation, but I can’t pull myself away either. My heart is breaking for everyone affected by this storm, and there are so many people affected.

I often talk shit about New Jersey, where I grew up, but my heart breaks for my home state this week.


For Margate, and my friend Jen’s family.


For Hoboken, where so many of my high school friends live.


My heart also breaks for the Rockaways.

My heart breaks for a few bloggers I know who have lost their homes in this devastating storm.

I grabbed a drink with Laura last night, and we talked about this weekend’s NYC Marathon. I feel for everyone who’s been training for it for months, but I can’t help but think that the city resources needed to put on the race would be better used for recovery. I said last night that perhaps the income that the race would bring in would be good for the city, but as I watch more coverage, I completely rescind that opinion. I love running, I loved the NYC Marathon, but there’s more important things right now than this (wonderful) race.

Speaking of marathons, I can’t believe I ran one just three days ago. That seems like it was an entire lifetime ago.

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Yesterday Shannon and I were getting a bit stir-crazy and went for a long walk up to the Upper West Side and back, and it certainly loosened up my legs. It was nice to see the city slowly coming back to life.

This post is a bit all over the place, but I’m safe and doing well, although my city and my home state weren’t quite as lucky. If you’re safe, consider yourself very lucky right now. I do.