Tag Archives: avocado

In Need of Some Quiet Time

This week I found out I didn’t get a job after a phone interview and two rounds of promising in-person interviews. I’d been checking my phone obsessively for news for weeks, and while I was incredibly disappointed that day, it was a bit of a relief just to know either way.

The day before I found that out, I had a phone interview and have spent most of this week working on a proposal for another job–one that sounds right up my alley. Please send good thoughts my way!!

(Job searching is stressful. No wonder my stomach’s been bothering me.)

So I escaped to NJ for a little bit of downtime in the midst of all of this stress.


My mom and her friend had come into the city for a doctor’s appointment, so I met them for lunch and then they kidnapped me. We went to Coliseum, because it’s right by the doctor’s office, and I had a turkey burger with avocado and sweet potato fries (apparently it’s an annual check-up because I went with them July 14 last year too, and ate the same thing), and it was delicious. I could live on turkey burgers and sweet potato fries, I think.




For dinner, we went to the golf club. The food isn’t so great, but the ambiance is nice–when we sit outside. (When we sit inside, it feels like a nursing home.)



Not surprisingly, there aren’t many healthy options on the menu. I am more than fine with not eating healthy sometimes–as long as it’s because I want to, not because I don’t have any other choice. I got the chicken thighs with vegetables and (an unidentified) rice and was underwhelmed as usual.

I’m glad to have this proposal done so I can focus on some fun things coming up:

What fun stuff do you have coming up that you’re looking forward to? Also, what food(s) could you live on forever?

I Love Avocado

I didn’t take any pictures at the Junior League party last night…and it was awesome.

This morning, Lacey and I headed to the diner for breakfast.


I had the California omelette–avocado, mushroom and mozzarella, because I can’t see avocado on the menu and not order it.

Walking home from the diner, I was thinking about the last time I got laid off. Yup, this was not the first time. The last time, the magazine I was working from went from 12 issues a year to six. With half as many issues…they needed half as many people, and so I was laid off. That’s actually where my weight loss journey started.

I figured with the extra time on my hands, I could use it to get in shape. A few weeks earlier, I had flown up to Boston to see friends. I remember sitting down in my seat on the plane and realizing just how much of the little seat I took up and how I wasn’t okay with it. I started going to the gym a little more, but I still didn’t really get my act together until I asked my mom for a package of personal training sessions for my birthday–probably one of the best birthday presents I ever got.

(As far as the job, I got tremendously lucky and was rehired by the same company to work at another magazine there.)

I’ll start marathon training in July, so it will be nice to have some extra time to fit my runs in and focus on other fitness goals.

So…remember how I spoke on my first panel a few weeks ago?

Well! I’m already preparing for my second one!


I’ll be speaking at the Healthy Living Summit with blogger buddies Ashley and Cynthia about how to make friends online, one of my favorite topics. Tickets go on sale on Monday and will go really, really quickly, so be sure to be at your computer when they go on sale if you want to go. I went for the first time last year, and I had an amazing time. If you’re nervous about attending something like this–don’t be! Everyone is super-friendly and has lots in common.

Any fun weekend plans? I’m going on a date tonight, home for my dad’s birthday tomorrow night and to a polo match on Governor’s Island Sunday.