I love that my blog being two years old means that I can look back and see what I did on any given day and that if I repeat a race (like I will this weekend!), I can reread my recap and look back on memories of the expo (Okay, so I write longer posts now.)
Last year, Joel told me I should do 8 miles of intervals two days before the race. Why? I have NO IDEA. But I did, and it was pretty miserable. Today, I just did some walking and some yoga and am going to have some major bonding time with my foam roller.
I picked up my bib at lunch today, and I forgot how small this expo is.
Spibelt booth!
I was excited to buy stuff, but I left disappointed. (My wallet left rather happy.) I did buy a pair of Skullcandy earbuds, just in case I want to rock out to music during the race. (I don’t usually listen to music, but I like to be prepared at races, just in case.)
When I got back to work, I had this chicken pattie, guac, spinach and brown rice for lunch. It wasn’t particularly thrilling, but it did the job.
After work, I took a nice walk up to the Lululemon in Lincoln Square to buy a little something for the race.
I walked home in the sunshine and warmed up a chicken patty, roasted some broccoli and sweet potatoes and had some avocado with it. I’m doing some spring cleaning tonight and calling it an early night since Sunday is a big day! (And I’ve been going out a lot lately anyway.)
Side note: I had given up ketchup for awhile because I thought it was too sugary, but if ketchup is wrong, I don’t want to be right.