Tag Archives: dinner

Coconut Curry-ish Shrimp Rice

You guys, I made magic in the kitchen tonight.

And then, I cooked.


This afternoon at work, I realized I had to plan for a meat-free dinner tonight, since it’s Ash Wednesday. I knew I had a bag of shrimp in the freezer that I could use, but I knew I wanted to do something different than stir-fry or pasta, my two usual fallbacks. I remembered my coconut curry chicken and knew I wanted to do something like that. After spin class, I came home and got to work. I thawed the shrimp and then sauteed them with some coconut milk, kale, broccoli and carrots. I couldn’t find my curry paste, so I omitted it and just used some cayenne, cilantro and lime juice. I cooked up a 90-second rice packet and then threw it in with everything else.


Go me.

By the way, have you entered my giveaway? You have until 5pm tomorrow.

I Just Couldn’t

Tonight, I was supposed to do some speed work for my upcoming half-marathons (NYC and DC), but I just didn’t have it in me. I’d woken up way earlier than usual, I’d already walked five miles today (to the gym, back home, to work, back home at lunch to walk Bailey, back to work), I had a headache. I had every excuse in the world.

I chatted with Liz and Laurel and tweeted, looking for a boost of motivation, but I ultimately couldn’t find that motivation inside of me. I went to the gym and got changed. I went to use the bathroom and came back, about to say “screw it” and leave before I even started. I closed the locker and walked out to the treadmill. I hopped on and ran a half-mile and then decided to screw it and walk the mile home.

It happens.

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I came home and put a turkey sausage and broccoli over some whole wheat spaghetti and covered it in sauce and called it a night.