Tag Archives: dinner

Knowing Your Limits

Last week I posted about being able to do anything I want, but not everything I want.

I alluded to feeling a little overextended and thinking about dropping the nutrition classes I’d been taking. The reason that I had wanted to take them in the first place was because I get a lot of questions from readers about how they can lose weight, too. I have a hard time answering those questions beyond “this is what works for me,” and I wanted to have a real background in nutrition to answer those questions.

But I just couldn’t make the time right now. The other things that take up my outside-of-work time–Junior League, blogging, training for races/working out–are frankly more important to me right now, and I couldn’t devote the time to these classes that they deserved. That, and I really need more downtime in my life, not less. So I admitted I couldn’t handle these classes right now and withdrew. I’d rather not take the classes right now than not be able to devote the attention necessary to them. I also have to admit I feel a lot lighter mentally since dropping them, but I haven’t ruled out picking them up again at some point.

I listened to my limits at the gym tonight, too. Liz had suggested I run four miles tonight, but I had zero energy. I don’t know if I’m still tired from my race, if I was a little tired from freaking out over having the mole removed or if I was a little dehydrated, but I ended up doing three and feeling as if I had just run a marathon. It took literally everything out of me both mentally and physically–which feels good sometimes. Afterwards, I laid in the steam room for a few minutes until some girl walked in totally naked and I felt uncomfortable and left. Maybe I’m a little prude, but the least I’ll ever wear in a steam room/sauna is shorts and a sports bra.

Just in case I was dehydrated, I bought a coconut water on my way out of the gym. Caitlin and Abby are enablers.


When I got home, I roasted some broccoli and sweet potatoes and made a chicken pattie on some Nature’s Pride Hearty Wheat with Flax that I was sent as part of the Foodbuzz Tastemaker Program.

Breakfast was a sunflower butter and banana sandwich and lunch was Pump, so I spared you.

Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder


They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I wanted to see if that was true with breakfast, too, so I gave my sunflower butter and banana sandwich a break this morning. I even swapped out my usual banana from strawberries and blueberries. I know I can definitely fall into a rut, so when I think of it, I try to mix things up and add different fruits and veggies in.


Well, sometimes just adding veggies in is okay. I had my mom’s leftovers–rigatoni and meatballs–from the other night for lunch and added some steamed broccoli to make it more filling and nutritious, but my blood sugar still crashed about an hour after I had this from the refined carbs of the pasta.


And then I went to a work event at a bowling alley, and there wasn’t much healthy to be had so I just nibbled on some of this stuff.


And then worked it off with my mad bowling skills. By mad bowling skills, I mean I bowled a 42. You know, to make everyone else feel better about themselves 🙂