Tag Archives: exercise

How to Fit in a Workout

As you know, I’ve been struggling with this myself since I started my New Job. Adding a half-hour commute each way (I used to walk to work or work from home) adds up to an extra hour of just commuting in a day.

So I’ve had to learn to be creative with my time and definition of a workout. Here’s what I’ve learned:

  • Just because it’s not in your gym doesn’t mean it’s not a workout. Workout videos are workouts, too. 
  • If you go to the gym at lunch, it is entirely possible to take a three-minute shower to rinse off and then blow-dry the sweat out of your hair. (Is it the classiest? Mm…probably not…but you gotta do what you gotta do.)
  • You can split up your workouts. Can’t do 30 minutes or 40 minutes all at once? Do half in the morning and half at lunch or at night or whatever.
  • Strength workouts are an awesome lunchtime workout, plus you won’t get super-sweaty.
  • High-intensity interval training. No more than 15-20 minutes of intervals on the StairMaster or the elliptical or the treadmill.

But the most awesome way to work in a workout, if you can?


I did this last night. I ran home from work, six miles. On foot. No subway. Just me, my little pink drawstring gym bag and the West Side Highway.

I left my clothes at the gym in a locker and will get them in the morning. I just took what I needed — my keys, wallet and phone — and ran in the sun all the way home. It actually wasn’t the best of runs, but the runner’s high was there all the same last night. If you have a bike, that’s another awesome way to commute. Exercise doesn’t have to feel like exercise; it can be fun, too!

You’re Not Working Out Hard Enough!

That’s what I was told on Saturday.

I’d worn my Garmin watch to the gym since I went running first, and Joel asked what my heart rate was when I was running. “Um, I don’t know?” 

“What do you mean you don’t know? You have a heart rate monitor and you don’t wear it?”

Well, yeah. After being overweight for quite some time and wearing clothes that were too tight, the last thing I want to do is wear a tight strap around my chest. But, I’ll try it once in a while.

Joel explained to Meghan and me the different heart rate zones. The faster your heart beats, the more calories you burn.

  • 50-60% of your maximum heart rate: This is basically your walk down the street. It’s better than sitting on your ass on your couch, but it’s not much of a workout, and you will lose weight slowly if you only work out in this zone.
  • 60-70% of your maximum heart rate: You’re breathing heavier, and you’re burning more calories.
  • 70-80% of your maximum heart rate: This is the zone to be in for endurance training (i.e., long runs) and workouts from 20-60 minutes long.
  • 80-90% of your maximum heart rate: This is where your heart rate should be during interval training. Pushing yourself into this zone helps you improve on the amount of oxygen you can take in while exercising, and it also helps with speed. Also called the anaerobic threshold, this zone is important, because it helps you get better/faster/torch some calories. Either work out in this zone as part of an interval training workout, or just do a short, but intense workout.

How do you find your max? 220 – your age.

So for me, my maximum heart rate is 193.

If you’re doing intervals, you want to push yourself to about 85-90% during the tough part of the interval. For the rest, you only want to rest as long as it takes to get back to 60 percent. Try taking your heart rate while working out, to make sure your heart rate matches your goals. And try to get some of those high intensity workouts in once in a while to push yourself and make your heart (and the rest of your body stronger).

Remember, the better shape you’re in, the stronger your heart is, so you may have to work harder to get to that zone. My heart was pounding out of my chest and I was breathing heavy at 75 percent, but I could have pushed myself a lot harder.