Tag Archives: exercise

Workout Schedule

Joel wants me to start keeping a cardio journal, and I know I need to plan my cardio out so it doesn’t go by the wayside as I get adjusted to New Job (caps for emphasis!) I need to plan out my food every week too, but this spontaneous girl can only plan so much before getting antsy. So, each Sunday night, I’ll be posting my planned workouts for the week. Marathon training will make this a bit easier, I think. I have a harder time skipping workouts when I know they are leading up to a big race.

Good thing I start training tomorrow. For those of you who actually go to my site, this will live in the right-hand sidebar. For those of you who don’t, you should. 🙂


I know that eating healthy and exercise have become a big part of my lifestyle (and even my identity, to some extent), but I’m still nervous about slipping backwards. A little bit of me is afraid of starting my job tomorrow and my exercise schedule falling by the wayside. I’m going to try plan my exercise schedule every week as best as possible so that it gets done. I’m not sure yet if I’m going to do before work, after work or however it best fits in my schedule. (That’s kind of how I used to do it.)

The biggest difference in all of this is my commute. I used to walk to work, and now I’ll be working in midtown. That’s not a big deal in and of itself, but figuring out how to juggle a commute with walking my dog and maintaing a social life and a gym schedule will be a bit of a challenge. 

For this week, I’m planning:

Tomorrow: 3-mile run before work

Tuesday: swimming before work

Wednesday: spin before work

Thursday: StairMaster + XpressLine

Friday: still deciding.