Tag Archives: fresh & co

The Good Life

Yesterday was a good day to take a break from taking photos of my life, so why don’t we just talk about what’s good in life instead of what I did, okay?

(That’s more interesting, anyway.)

You! The comments on my post yesterday (Is it ever okay to tell someone they’ve gained weight?) were amazing and span from absolutely to OH HELL NO. A few people mentioned that that’s what the scale is for. I know when I was gaining weight, I avoided the scale like the plague. I didn’t want to face it. But while I didn’t know the exact weight, I definitely knew I had gained weight, although I found any excuse in the world to deny it.

Working. This freelance gig is good, and I feel like a contributing member of society again. (Things that are not good? Cold offices. I’m currently double-fisting with a water bottle of normal temperature water and a little cup of hot water.)

Maine! I’m still going there this weekend, and I’m so excited to see Lindsay, Lizzy, and hopefully Joy. I’m excited for the half-marathon we’re running, but what I’m really excited for is lobster rolls. I love you all, but I love lobster more.

Getting in this morning’s three-miler despite a few adult beverages last night and blowing off yesterday’s run. Skipping that run made me so much more excited to run this morning. (And I was super-excited it was only three miles.)

Ali’s fundraising event tonight. I’m excited to support her, excited to get an I <3 Sweat t-shirt and excited to see new and old blog friends.

He may be in NJ right now (since I’m busy and then going away), but Bailey’s always a good thing. Even if he’s hungover.

Trying new lunch places. I tried a place called Fresh & Co. yesterday. Verdict? Not bad, but its sandwiches are totally trying to rip off Pret. This office is near Pump, so I’m pretty sure I will end up back there within days.

What’s good in your life right now?