Tag Archives: lady foot locker

“It’s a Lady Thing”: Lady Foot Locker Event at Core Fusion

Yeah, yeah, I talk about how being laid off isn’t fun.

And how I’m dying to get back to an office and on a more structured schedule.

But in the meantime, I do love that I can attend daytime blog events.


This morning, I went over to the Gansevoort Exhale (confusingly enough, it’s on Park Ave, not on Gansevoort) for my first-ever Core Fusion class.

To say I was terrified would be an understatement. I’m in good running shape right now, but my fitness is certainly suffering in other areas. Core Fusion is one of those classes like Physique–lots of slim, buff, bendy girls standing at a ballet barre.

Enter this awkward runner who’s currently nursing some slight runner’s knee and who hasn’t picked up anything heavier than a pint of a carbtastic brew since…September, maybe?


I walked in, and if I weren’t currently freaking out about my current job situation, I feel like I probably would have been really relaxed in here.


The event was sponsored by Lady Foot Locker as part of the Glam Media correspondent program, and the swag bag runneth over.


The swag started with matching outfits–Actra Fitness tops and headbands, Nike sports bras and Adidas crops. I’m super self-conscious of my [carb-loving] stomach, and the outfit was incredibly flattering on said carb-loving stomach. The price tags were still on all of the pieces, and I saw that no piece was more than $35-40, so it’s all affordable, too.

Honestly, the outfit was so cute that I considered wearing it out this afternoon, but ended up just leaving the headband on.


All matchy. Once they took a bunch of pictures of us in the locker room, we moved into the studio for the class.IMG_0036.JPG
My buddies Melissa and Caitlin were there, and we freaked out together about how our tight runners’ legs would do in this class.


The studio itself was relatively small, but the floor-to-ceiling windows meant some nice views.



It also meant the people outside of Starbucks were watching us.


(We didn’t actually use these, but, ooh, shiny!)


So I can still lift at least one weight, once. Sweet.

The class itself was actually easier than I thought. It was very similar to Physique and Bar Method in that probably about half of the class is done at a ballet barre and focuses on small movements. We started with some planks and push-ups to warm up, and I pretty much thought then I was going to die and was really nervous about the rest of class. Luckily, the arm portion of class was relatively short, and I was fine once we started using free weights and I didn’t have to lift 130+ pounds of body weight.

After the arms, we moved on to the barre.

[I think. I get exercise amnesia after a hard workout.]

We did lots of little squats and bends, and my legs didn’t quiver too much. I think after nearly four months of marathon training, my quads are just numb.


Then we got on the ground for some more leg work and some ab work. Usually I get excited when a class moves onto the floor, but the floor portion of barre classes is always really, really hard. It requires a ton of ab and back strength to lift your legs from this position–strength I don’t really have. I made the mistake of telling the instructor, Erin, at the beginning of class that I was really tight from marathon training and every once in a while she would yell, “After this, the marathon will be nothing!” to encourage me. Not embarrassing at all…


Oh yeah, and there was both a videographer and a regular photographer. In my effort to never be caught with an awkward face in a photo, I smiled every time I saw one of them. Which probably led to even more awkward photos.


Afterwards, they offered us free 10-minute massages. I apologize to anyone who I may have trampled on my way to the massage table.

After a quick massage, I had to leave in order to make a 1pm appointment, so I missed the luncheon afterwards. I saw on Twitter afterwards that I missed a Kardashian sighting in the hotel. I’m not going to lie–I would have been incredibly amused to see a Kardashian in real-life.


I dug into the swag bag when I got home, and saw we also got pullovers.


And Asics cross-trainers!

I was terrified of Core Fusion before, but I can’t wait to try it again after the marathon.

What workouts/classes have you been afraid of trying? Have you tried them yet? (If not, go try them!!)

If you are training for a long race, what sorts of classes do you usually stay away from? What’s your favorite kind of barre class if you’re a barre enthusiast?

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Lady Foot Locker via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Lady Foot Locker.