Tag Archives: motivation

How Do I Stay So Motivated?

That’s a question I get a lot. I’m not always sure how to answer it, because it usually doesn’t take much thought. I usually just power on through, eating my vegetables, getting my workouts in.

But since the marathon, my motivation to stay healthy has been low, while my motivation to blow off workouts in favor of happy hour has been high. My motivation to drink wine and eat bar food has been high. I haven’t worked out since…Tuesday. To be honest, part of the reason I’ve been posting less pictures of my food because I haven’t wanted to post the crap I’ve been eating. The other part is because I’ve been super-busy as of late.

[I’ve been eating very healthy until night time, when I’ve also been going to happy hour. Does alcohol lead to unhealthy food choices? YES. Hands down. Does getting home late lead to unhealthy food choices? YES.]

The unhealthy stuff that didn’t get posted on here this week:

  • quite a few glasses of wine
  • fried Korean chicken and french fries (which were terrible, so not even “worth” it)
  • a Chipotle burrito bowl with white rice 
  • a piece of cupcake cake

Now, I’m by no means trying to be obsessive here. I’m just trying to get a handle on where I’ve been going astray. My scale says I’m up three pounds, and I want to make sure that with the holidays coming up, that three doesn’t turn into five, five doesn’t turn into ten, etc. 

So what am I going to do? I’m going to get my ass back in gear by going back to my normal ways. And I’m going to sign up for another race to keep me on track. I need a goal to work towards.

Breakfast this morning: an egg wrap.