Tag Archives: pancake

Protein Pancake Success!

After calling myself a lazy chef the other night, I decided to prove myself wrong this morning.

“How dare she call me lazy?!”

I was sort of craving pancakes, so I hit Google to find a good protein pancake recipe.

Thanks to the wonder of good SEO, not spammy SEO, Gina’s recipe for protein pancakes was the third that came up.

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I’ve only tried to make pancakes once, and it didn’t turn out well, so I was a little nervous but determined. I realized while I was gathering ingredients that I didn’t have any cinnamon or nutmeg–things that are probably considered kitchen staples–so I skipped those two ingredients. (I also realized that lacking kitchen staples is probably a big part of my lazy cooking problem–I look at recipes and often lack quite a few key ingredients and get frustrated.) The pancakes still turned out just fine without the cinnamon and nutmeg.


I put some sunflower butter on them and served them (to myself) with banana and strawberries, and I’m happy with how they turned out!