Tag Archives: podcast

Introducing This May Be Oversharing Podcast!

Hello and happy Wednesday!

this may be oversharing podcast

I have some exciting news! My podcast—This May Be Oversharing podcast—is live! (OK, I think I’ve already met my exclamation point allowance.)

I have to give so much credit to my friend Jocelyn, who’s been telling me for years I need to start one. I’m a storyteller by nature and by profession, and spoken is just the most natural extension of that these days. Plus, it gives me the ability to go into depth that I can’t always do in writing or on Instagram stories. For the years that Jocelyn’s been telling me this, I have been TERRIFIED. But earlier this year, I did several podcast interviews and realized two things: I can do this, and I want to do this. I don’t just want to be interviewed, I want to hear others’ stories and what they have to learn. I want to share what I’ve learned in a tough few years, in hopes I can use my experiences to spare even one person some of the pain I’ve felt. Also, to be honest, it’s a media format that isn’t going anywhere, and I want to get these skills under my belt.

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