Tag Archives: running

After the Marathon

Last night, I participated in a Twitter chat for the first time in a while. I used to love them, but I’m trying this crazy “unplug when you get home from work” thing I’ve heard about.

I picked up Ucan at the NYCM Expo last week. Ben had said he tried it and really liked it because he didn’t experience the same energy crash he had with sugary gels. The way this stuff is formulated, it’s supposed to give you sustained energy without a crash for two hours. After some serious bonking at Marine Corps, I was game to try anything that promised no energy crash. I tried it out on Sunday’s run, but I want to try it some more before giving an opinion on it.

Anyway…FitFluential was hosting a Twitter chat with them last night, and I wanted to learn more, so I hopped in.

[blackbirdpie url=”https://twitter.com/KellyOlexa/status/265639547860312066″]

I saw my girl Kelly Olexa tweet this, and it got me thinking.

[Insert me typing in front of my window, Sex and the City style?]

For the past four months, I trained for Marine Corps. Most of the time, I was more than happy to be running, but I definitely found myself longing for After The Marathon.

This After The Marathon time would be great.

I’d try CrossFit!

And become addicted to Soul Cycle!

(So, I’d spend all my money on fitness? Hmm…)

Last week, I spent most of my time on Shannon’s couch working from home. I couldn’t motivate myself to work out, but frankly I didn’t care last week. I knew some rest time was good after the marathon, and working out just wasn’t a priority anyway.

This week, though, I would do all those After The Marathon things.

I’d also clean up my diet!

And start doing strength!

I don’t consider myself a super-Type A person, but when Kelly tweeted that last night, I realized how much I really thrive on training plans. That focus on running.

I had no workout plans yesterday…so I didn’t work out. I had nothing planned in the morning, and no looming goals to make me go out and work out.

Not me. I quit the gym. I’m terrible at remembering to cross-train and lift.

I tried FlyBarre this morning with Emily, and it was fun…if by fun, you mean my tight, bulky quads attempting to do tiny little movements. In all seriousness, it was fun to take a class with Emily, and I’m sure I’ll try it again, but I don’t see myself doing it often.

And I do want to try CrossFit, mostly because it sounds fun and Tina may stop being friends with me if I don’t try it. (In all seriousness, I think the group atmosphere will motivate me to actually stick to strength workouts, and I’m turning 30 29 again soon, and I’d like to tighten up.)

But at the end of the day, this makes me happy.

Not this.

Questions: Do you thrive on training plans? Runners, do you have a hard time making yourself do other workouts, too?  If you did a fall marathon (or still have one coming up), what’s on your After The Marathon List?

Also! There’s a cool story on ABCNews.com about the registry Ashley set up for Jen, who lost everything to that bitch Sandy.


A Fannetastic Wedding Weekend: Part 1


Greetings from Virginia! I’m actually spending the next three weekends in the D.C. area (wedding, wedding, Army Ten-Miler, MARATHON), so I might get sick of typing that by the end of the month.

I flew down here to make it to a pre-wedding reception Anne was having because flying was the only logistical way I could work out not taking the day off and still making it down in time.


I got to LaGuardia, literally walked right through security, and sat myself right down at Bisoux in the Delta Terminal for a glass of wine.

I sat down, all ready to just zone out and enjoy some me time…and I sat down straight across from someone I knew from Junior League and we chatted for two hours. New York is really such a tiny place. Bisoux was really cute, and I loved that they had charging stations right at the high-top table, although my Kindle was beyond dead and didn’t get juiced up quickly enough when I realized I should plug it in.

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You can order everything straight from the iPads they have set up at the table, and you can even have things delivered from the Cibo Market in the terminal to the bar.

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Like a banana. What exquisite banana photography.

After two glasses of wine, I boarded my delayed flight, which then got delayed further. Poor Meghann ended up waiting more than two hours for me, since we’d coordinated flying in at the same time and renting a car together.

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Hello? Theodora? Where are you?

Just kidding, Hertz has this interesting system where you video chat with a customer service rep to rent your car. I was endlessly amused, and waved a few times at Terri, but she never waved back.

FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY, we made it to the pre-wedding reception.


And I proceeded to drink ALL THE WINE.


Hence why I took such a blurry picture, obviously.


I hate my hair in a ponytail and that I didn’t have time to change. (We came straight from the airport.) I don’t like being underdressed. Oh well.

Meghann and I hung for a little while and met some of Anne’s friend and family before heading to the hotel to crash HARD.

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Because there was obviously running to be done this morning.


Excuse my ridiculously high ponytail; I thought I was going to cheerleading tryouts after the run.

We ran 3 miles with the bride and some of her friends, and then Meghann and I planned to do 9 more to get to 12, but my body was just not having it. I’ve been fighting off a cold all week, and I just didn’t have 12 miles in me this morning. We got to 9, and I felt okay with that.

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We went to a cute little bakery called Bon Matin for breakfast, and I got an egg wrap. I know you’re surprised. It had avocado, tomato, spinach, parmesan and deliciousness in it and totally hit the spot.

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Time for a little fun before the wedding festivities!