Tag Archives: running

Soundtrack of My Workout: Go Ahead and Laugh

Occasionally, I’ll get a question or a comment asking what sort of music I listen to when I’m running.

The answer is usually: nothing–I like the sound of my own crazy thoughts. I sit at a computer or have my iPhone attached to me all day, so I spend too much of the day indoors, attached to technology. I like to run outside with no music, because it’s the closest to a bit of (free) serenity that I’ll get in New York City.


But when I’m marathon training and have covered every inch of the West Side Highway and a lot of the East River path multiple times, sometimes I need some music to tune out the “this is so hard” and “I don’t want to do this” thoughts.

Especially when my plan calls for 9 miles, 5 of them at tempo pace.

That calls for some music.

But I hate making playlists, because I get sick of them so quickly, so I rely on the Genius function in iTunes to make me a playlist.


Last year, I was really into Chicken Fried, so I asked iTunes to base a playlist off of that.

Yes, there are at least three Christmas songs on this playlist.

Yes, I lip-synced most of these songs while I was running. It was like running karaoke.

And yes, I NAILED that tempo.

9 miles, 1 hour, 23 minutes.

Tempo miles: 8:28, 8:12, 8:27, 8:42, 8:25.

And no, I will probably never share one of my terrible playlists with you ever again.

Related to my love of Apple, I can’t wait for my new iPhone to come. Maybe I won’t run with it, and maybe the home button will actually work. My phone has been operating really slowly for at least the past year, so I will probably tackle the UPS man tomorrow for my new baby.

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How it made it from Korea to Louisville faster than from Louisville to New York, I’ll never know.

I’ve usually gotten the new iPhones as soon as they’ve come out (except the 3GS/4S because those were obviously just holdover models between major releases) because I’ve always been able to sell the old one on Craigslist and either break even or only come out having paid somewhere around $30-40.

One of my coworkers told me recently about Gazelle.com. They buy back your iPhone and send you money for it!


Well, okay!

There’s no fancy referral link up there, and Gazelle’s not paying me to say nice things.

This is just freaking awesome, is all.

So: music or no music while running? And did you order the new iPhone?

2012 Newport Liberty Half Race Recap


One 15-miler and one 22-miler to go before taper!

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Today was another great run with my awesome training partner, Rebecca.

I’d signed up for the Newport Liberty Half awhile ago because it was both cheap and awesome. After a crappy week of training this week, I was really hoping that all those crappy runs would clear the way for a good one today, and I was right.

I met Rebecca at the PATH at 7:05 so that we could be in Jersey City by 7:30 and get four miles in before the race started at 8:30. We got off the train, quickly got our bibs and headed off towards Hoboken–2 miles out and back.

We managed to get to the start just a few minutes before the gun went off. The corrals were really informal: just signs saying “xx minute pace.” We slid somewhere between 9 and 10 minutes, as we were aiming for around a 9:45 pace.

The first few miles of the course aren’t the most exciting–you’re just running on the city streets–but it was still a nice change of scenery, and it was fun to run with Dori for a few minutes. Around mile 4, you enter Liberty State Park, where you stay for most of the race.

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So pretty.

The course does a lot of looping back on itself in this part, but it was such a nice day and so scenic, that we didn’t really mind.

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If you look real close, you can see the Statue of Liberty all the way in the background in the middle. I swear.

Rebecca stopped for a quick bathroom stop and I took these photos then. The course went right on a river path for a good stretch, but I didn’t want to stop for a photo.

As usual, we gabbed on and on, and I didn’t feel tired until we got to mile 10 of the course (mile 14 for us.) My legs were feeling tired, but more, I was looking forward to the race finish line so I could bang out those three extra miles and call it a day.

We finished the half in 2:08:11; no overall PR, but a definite PR for me for the course!

We stopped for a minute to stretch and then headed back out on the same route to Hoboken. I came back to Jersey City; Rebecca did not.

I had plans to meet Shannon and Julie for brunch at Skylark, recommended by Dori. Shannon and I got there first, but once Julie showed up, we cheers-ed her heartily for finishing her first half!

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I don’t usually crave vegetables after a long run. I usually want nothing more than protein and carbs, but I really wanted veggies today when I was done so I got a veggie omelette.

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And some French fries to balance out the veggies.

Good running buddy.

Good course.

Good run.

It was definitely what I needed after a crappy week of training…

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And to give me some more confidence before this intense week of training. Gulp.

Do you like running with buddies or solo? Ever mix up a long run with a race?