Tag Archives: salad

My Love-Hate Relationship with Running

I mostly have a love-love relationship with running, but even the best relationships hit rocky points, right?

Towards the end of marathon training, I was feeling equal parts burnt out and in love with running.

Since the marathon, I’ve wanted to run and I’ve wanted to run fast, but my legs have had other ideas, like staying nice and slow and working out all the remaining lactic acid and…stuff.

This morning, I had plans to meet up with Gia and some of her friends to knock out 6-7 miles—which definitely would have been my longest post-marathon run. I ended up screwing around in my apartment for too long, and left too late to meet her, so I did my own thing, which ended up being running to Columbus Circle, up to 77th Street, then east and through the park back to Columbus Circle and back home for just about 5 miles.


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It was around 40 degrees when I started out, but after about 5 minutes, I warmed up and started feeling great. I think I’m almost fully recovered.

We’re back to love-love.


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This photo is mostly a note to self: a long-sleeved top and running tights are perfect for me for 40ish degrees.

I came home and got ready and came out to NJ—my baby cousin’s christening is tomorrow, and I had some errands to run out here, so I came out today.

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What do you think of this red lipstick? I’m still getting used to it. This is a big step for me—I usually just do some sort of gloss. (Also, you’re obviously supposed to have some sort of pensive look like this on if you’re wearing red lipstick.)


I can make these scallops just like my mom does, but I like when she makes them, so I usually wait until I come home for them. I also made some roasted balsamic Brussels, but I think I didn’t let them roast long enough, because they weren’t very crispy…or really very good.


But this salad was—walnuts, cranberries and goat cheese over spinach.

Good luck to everyone running Brooklyn and Philly tomorrow!!!



I think this salad changed my life.

To you, it looks just like a nice salad with some chicken, avocado and tomatoes. To me, it’s hope. Do you know how hard it is to lose weight/stay healthy when you can’t eat an entree salad? I’ve stayed away from salad for years because it made me sick to my stomach, but I’ve really been craving it lately, and…so far, so good!

Look at me. I’m a morning workout-ing, salad-eating beast!

Um, now I’d like a beer and a cupcake, please.