Let loose, but not too loose!

My last post talked about how to be hungover healthily. This weekend, I also over-indulged. I’ve been staying on track all week, but by the time the weekend comes, I want to let loose a bit. I think it’s possible to do that healthily, but one needs to remember “everything in moderation.” I sort of remembered that this weekend 🙂 

It’s easy to say I’m too hungover, tired, whatever to go to the gym. That’s when you really need to go, because your metabolism is slowing down from the crap you’ve been putting in. So yesterday, I dragged myself off the couch after brunch and went running with my dog. I felt great afterwards and it was just the push I needed. I’ve signed up the Army Ten-Miler, I’m running a 5K in June, and I have my friend’s wedding coming up in August. This is no time to slack!
13 pounds down, 37 to go. Though I’m not ready still to share my weight with y’all, I’ll keep honest with how much I’ve lost. 

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