Daily Archives: May 5, 2009


The heater at the yoga studio apparently had a heater malfunction (I MEAN, AMY AND I TOOK A REALLY HARD YOGA CLASS!), so we grabbed dinner instead. Picture TK, but it was chicken kebabs, salad and some Turkish rice.

I’m bummed yoga didn’t work out, especially since I’m ridiculously sore from my workout with my trainer this morning.

Bikram aka hot yoga

I’m doing it tonight! I’ve done it a few times before, but my friend/coworker Amy wanted to try it tonight, so I decided to go with her. I did it for the first time in D.C. at Bikram Yoga Capitol Hill—where I was dragged by a former coworker. I think I glared at her the entire first 30 minutes. After that, the sweat was dripping in my eyes, so I couldn’t see her. Bikram is a great activity to mix up your routine a bit. The extreme heat (think 110 degrees) helps you get deeper stretches and the extreme sweat helps clean out, well, everything. I’m off!