Another Reason to Love Omega-3s: May Reduce Menstrual Pain | Omega-3, Women’s Health, period pain | FitSugar – Fitness, Health & Well-being

Link: Another Reason to Love Omega-3s: May Reduce Menstrual Pain | Omega-3, Women’s Health, period pain | FitSugar – Fitness, Health & Well-being

As I said a while back, I went off birth control when I started this whole weight-loss thang, figuring I wouldn’t put anything in my body I didn’t have to. (Um, besides wine.) I had originally gone on it because of the awful cramps I was getting. Well, I’ve been taking an Omega-3 supplement lately, and yesterday I woke up with cramps. Later yesterday morning, I was sitting at my desk grumbling to myself when I realized I hadn’t taken my Omega-3…I took it and the cramps literally went away within half an hour. So as if Omega-3 wasn’t awesome enough already, reducing cramps is a great reason to take it.

[Dudes, this blog will now return to its regularly scheduled gender-neutralness.]

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