Link: An interesting debate
It seems really ridic to give anyone a hard time for wanting to get in shape for a marathon, especially given the obesity epidemic and whatnot… but taking longer than 6 hours, walking half of it, stopping for lunch? What do you think?
Very interesting article. Agreed that it’s ridiculous to give people a hard time for wanting to get in shape, but I think cut-off times are the best way to go. I know this sounds completely arbitrary, but I think 6.5 hours is a good one. I know people that have been training hard and running and something just happens on race day, and they have to go a lot slower. I know the first time I ran the ten-miler, I was terrified of being put on the recovery bus, so that got me hustling! (Ish.)
There is no crying in baseball; there should be no lunch during a marathon!