More post-race thoughts

  • -Why didn’t someone tell me sooner how addicting running is?
  • -What can I run next? (Current thoughts: DC Half Marathon in November, some Disney race in January [either half-marathon or marathon], something else next spring, NYC marathon next year)
  • -The severe stomach upset after the race showed me how much my body now hates fried food. This is actually a good thing – I associate a hamburger now with getting sick to my stomach.
  • -I definitely would have liked to run the race faster. My time was 1:58, and my goal was 1:50.
  • -But I ran the whole thing, so that rocks.
  • -And I was way faster than the first time I did it.
  • -Both the shirt I ran in race day and the Army Ten-Miler t-shirt I got were a size small. SMALL!
  • -Jen was an awesome training buddy!

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