Big news.

I’ve been alluding to some big news, and here it is.

Ten months ago, I got laid off. As is wont to happen in journalism circa the late ’00s, the magazine I was working for went from 12 issues a year to 6. Half the magazines, half the people. Another magazine within the company had an opening, and I was offered the position. It was totally entry-level, but remember how bleak the economy still was back in February? Any job was better than none, and I thought I might end up liking it. I gave it a try for 10 months, but it ultimately wasn’t the right fit.

I gave my notice yesterday, and my last day is sometime this week after the magazine has “closed.” (For those of you who can afford to shop not in journalism, that means that the magazine has been “put to bed,” or sent to the printer. I confused a friend today who thought the magazine was kaput.)

What will I do next, you ask? Well, I have quite a few frying pans in the fire. I’ve learned a lot about myself and the world in the past year or so, and there are a few freelance projects I’m working on while I figure out what I’d like to spend 40++ hours a week doing. I’m looking at journalism, PR, social media, marketing, Webby stuff. I’m interested in news, health/nutrition (obviously!), media, fashion, technology and politics.

But I’m most interested in people. I love talking to them, writing about them/to them/for them. I love working with them (when they’re awesome.) Ultimately, I just want to be doing something that makes me excited to wake up in the morning and go to work. (Don’t we all?)

Here’s where I put in a shameless plug. If you enjoy reading my blog, and you have an editor/PR/marketing/social media friend that might be interested in my work, can you let them know? I’ve written about everything from law to politics to scuba diving to nutrition. I don’t have a favorite — though nutrition is clearly a hot topic in my mind right now. I love people’s stories.

You can access my portfolio (which will be added to quite soon!) here, and you can e-mail me at theodora at theodorablanchfield dot com. I’m also on LinkedIn.

2009 was about my health; 2010 is about my career.

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