Reasons Why I Love Both Disney World and My Parents

So, I went to Disney World approximately 100000 times growing up; thus, it has a very special place in my heart. That’s part of the reason I am running my first half-marathon there. I knew my parents would be easily convinced to come watch me. (My dad STILL always suggests there first for family vacations. Even though I’m technically an “adult” now. Even though there are a million other places we could go.)

Anyway, I was kidnapped to NJ for the snowstorm/Christmas festivities, and my mom is on the phone finalizing some of our travel plans.

I can obviously only hear her side of the conversation, but I’m imagining the 407-W-DISNEY (what great branding, BTW. Who *doesn’t* know that’s the phone number for Disney World?) person asked my mom “Are you celebrating anything this trip?”

I’ve heard my mom say a few times, “We’re celebrating our daughter’s first half-marathon.”

Agreed. It is totally celebration-worthy. (There best be champagne somewhere after the finish line.)

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