Crockpot Lemon Chicken

Link: Crockpot Lemon Chicken

I got a crockpot for Christmas, and I have been DYING to use it. I figured Jen coming over tonight was as good an excuse as any. Obviously, I wanted to make something healthy. I have enough frozen chicken to feed an army, so I started Googling away for “easy healthy crockpot chicken” and stumbled upon this one.

I have a few criteria when I look for recipes.

  • Is it easy? No big fancy cooking words for me, nothing that I can mess up. Words like “reduction” and “reserve” kind of scare me.
  • Are there a lot of ingredients? This means more to mess up.
  • Is it healthy? Is there a lot of cream, sugar, flour, etc.? If so, is there something else I can substitute?

This one fit the bill on all of the above. I actually even had all of the ingredients (so I didn’t make it Whole Foods today). I substituted vegetable stock for water, and brown rice for the wild rice. It took about 10 minutes to prep and it’s been cooking all day. Hope Jen likes it!

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