Going Forward

Last week, Joel and I had a little talk about where to go from here. I still have a handful of sessions left with him, so clearly I’m going to take advantage of them and having him to learn from. He asked what my fitness goals are for 2010.

  • To run a marathon by the end of the year; and
  • To lose the fat on my stomach.

How will we accomplish this?

My new cardio regime is going to be:

2 spin classes a week

2 workouts on the Stairmaster a week

and 2 elliptical workouts a week

This schedule was developed taking into consideration fat-blasting and the back pain. The back seems fine even after the half-marathon, and I want to start thinking about other running goals, so I’m not sure how running will fit in here. But I’d like it to.

To be honest, I kind of was slacking on my cardio for a good while before Christmas, other than running, so I’m up for the new cardio challenge.

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