So we’ve got some pretty awesome people. (And some pretty funny ones. There’s also a girl who is trying to limit french fries to emergency cases only. Also understood.)
- One of you is running your first 10K this weekend (good luck!)
- One of you is in the military in freakin’ Kosovo and still sticking to your goals!
- A few of you have suffered losses lately (and I am genuinely sorry to hear about your loss)
- Some of you are moving — new cities, new states — a few of you even to different countries!
- I think I just convinced one of you to give running an honest try while in NYC for business!
Fitness looks different for everyone, and I love the variety of workouts y’all are doing, too. Some of you are doing Bikram;one of you is training for the Chicago Police Department’s physical test (warning, PDF); some of you are doing Jillian Michaels’ 30-Day Shred (I just bought it, too!); a lot of you are running.
I’m so proud of everyone and what they’re achieving so far! A common subject this week seemed to be how to have fun on Super Bowl Sunday and stay healthy — look for something on this on Friday!