Are You Running the NYC Half Next Weekend?

I am! And I know at least a few of you on here are (or just like running and meeting up), so I was thinking of organizing some kind of meetup, especially since the race basically ends in my ‘hood. I was originally thinking Ulysses (which is decent-not-great-but-not-bad, but includes a cocktail), or Beckett’s on Stone Street, but, um, none of these places open very early…and I plan on being done around 10.

According to the NYRR, Heartland Brewery (I know, I know…) does open at 10 and gives half-marathon finishers a free half-pint of beer. So…anyone wanna meet up or have any other ideas? Reply below, in the comments, or e-mail me at theodora AT theodorablanchfield dot com.

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