Spring Shape-Up Challenge – The Last Week

I know I have slacked the past two weeks about posting my own goals. I’ve been really, really busy, so basically they’re just to not get overwhelmed and to stay on the healthy eating track. It’s a good thing I’m not trying to win my own contest here, or I’d fail 🙂

Anyway, I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is your second-to-last check-in. My big goal, the half-marathon is Sunday, so that’s technically the last day of the challenge. (You get a few bonus days, basically, to reach your goals.)

If you’re running the half-marathon (or even if you just want to come hang out with some happy, sweaty people) and you want to come to brunch afterwards, can you send me an e-mail at theodora AT theodorablanchfield dot com (except you, Meghan, I know you’re in) so I can figure out an approximate head count and try to make a reservation somewhere? After running 13.1 miles, the last thing I want to do is wait on line for brunch! 

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