After a long night at McSorley’s, I dragged myself up to the Upper East Side this morning to have brunch with the lovely Casey. We went to the sunny Fig & Olive, and I had their “South of France Poached Eggs with Salmon” a.k.a. salmon benedict. Its selling point for me was the salmon and the avocado. It also came with fries, which, after drinking a lot of beer last night, sounded like an awesome idea. I hadn’t had a Diet Coke in god knows how long, but it totally hit the spot this morning. It came in some kind of bread bowl, but I only picked at the bread.

When I hopped back in bed this afternoon, I thought about how much confidence I have now and how I never would have met up with all these people I met through a blog before, or if I had, I would have been terrified that they wouldn’t like me because I was heavy. Losing all that weight has been so liberating in so many ways, and I’m glad I’ve met some awesome awesome people, such as Casey!, through this little blog.

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