You Never Forget, But Sometimes It’s Weird

I had a few things on the to-do list today, but not much. I also didn’t have any plans. Rather than sit around and watch TV or go shopping and spend unnecessary money, I went over to Battery Park and rented a bike!

So they say you never forget how to ride a bike? This is probably true, but it’s definitely kind of weird getting back up on the saddle, especially if you’re a once-a-year kinda girl like myself. I rode from Battery Park up to about 110th Street before turning around and riding back — about a 15-mile trip round-trip.

They say you’re supposed to refuel when you’re doing a hard workout, but I don’t think they mean a Corona and a hot dog, which is what I stopped for.

When I came back, I was still hungry, so I had a turkey burger with some broccoli and brown rice.

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