June Goals

There’s nothing like a weekend of fast food and beer to send you speeding back to your vegetables and lean protein. With this weekend’s debauchery and the upcoming month in mind, here are my June goals:

  • Work out at least four times a week, but preferably five. 
  • Stick to marathon training schedule (will post it later!)
  • Incorporate strength training twice a week
  • Incorporate yoga at least once a week (see: marathon training, tight muscles)
  • Eat mindfully when out with friends (i.e., listen to what I want, not what everyone else is eating, but if I really want something, don’t totally deny myself)
  • Limit the booze, especially during the week
  • Mix up both my meals and my workouts (outside of running)
  • Cook more – try at least one new recipe/meal a week
  • Work on making my abs bangin’ for the next time I get to don a bikini.
  • Improve my blog (you’ll see!)
  • Healthy thinking: don’t overextend myself.

What are your June goals?

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