Since I’ve already posted quite a few times today, I decided not to flood your dashboards/RSS readers/eyes with three more posts. So — the above photos:

1. Chicken pattie sandwich for lunch, with veggies

2. Banana + sunflower seed butter on a bagel thin as a pre-workout snack (sidenote: HOW DID I NOT DISCOVER THE SUNFLOWER SEED BUTTER IN THE FIRST 26 YEARS OF MY LIFE? Clearly they were not fulfilled years.)

3. Sometimes a girl needs some spaghetti. While my mom’s spaghetti and meatballs are definitely preferable, whole wheat spaghetti, ground turkey, grape tomatoes and broccoli is a decent substitute.

Also, I finally got a decent workout in after work. THANK GOD. I’ve been so busy lately that I have not been working out as much as I should/usually do, so I’ve felt very off-balance lately. I am going to try REALLY hard to start working out in the mornings. There’s just too many reasons not to after work. 

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