Hot Child in the City

There’s New York and then there’s New York when everyone leaves town for the holiday weekend. Everything feels like an adventure, because there’s significantly less people around and the city feels even more your own. 

On Saturday, I hopped a train to Long Beach with Laurel and Lacey. Of course, I got a spinach feta wrap at Penn Station:

After getting really snacky on the beach, I walked into town to get something to eat, since I hadn’t planned ahead and brought something to eat. The quickest place was a little Greek restaurant, and I decided grilled veggies in a pita was as healthy as I was going to get. There was some feta on it, which, of course, made it betta!

That night, I had my duck leftovers and then headed out to Cienfuegos, a “secret” rum bar that’s upstairs from a sandwich shop. There’s supposedly normally a long wait to get in, so we went on Saturday while everyone was out of town! After a long day at the beach, we were pretty zapped and didn’t stay out too late.

I woke up yesterday and got my run out of the way – it didn’t happen Saturday. After not working out since Tuesday (oops), it was pretty hard. I should have done nine, per my training plan, but I only was able to do eight because it was so goddamn hot. Lesson learned? Two days at the beach, plus a night of rum cocktails plus heading out in 90+ degree weather at 10:30 does not a good run make. I refueled afterwards with a bagel and then got ready to head out to a BBQ. I had a hot dog, some yummy ribs that Lacey made, and some guacamole salad that I made.  

I desperately need to go grocery shopping, so I went to Dunkin’ Donuts this morning for an egg white flatbread, the spinach feta wrap’s DD mistress.

Did you have a good 4th?

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