First restaurant meal without gluten. (I hope.)

My coworkers and I went for Thai, and after feeling so sick the past few weeks, the idea of eating out made me nervous.

Would there be sneaky gluten? Would I get sick? Would I get the right thing?

The $6.95 lunch special (!) came with a spring roll and a salad. I asked about my entree (mixed vegetables and chicken with a garlic sauce) and didn’t think to ask about the spring roll and salad and asked each time something was brought out. I was definitely that girl, but I’m still feeling okay! And I know things will get easier as I learn more and adjust to this.

(Truthfully, I didn’t eat a ton of my meal. It’s going to take some mental adjustment to remember that I can eat more of the stuff that won’t make me sick, since so much has been making me sick lately.)

I can’t wait for snack time.

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