Running is so much cheaper than therapy.

I’ve had some stuff on my mind lately, and so I’ve been feeling a little stressed out. The fact that I haven’t been able to get a proper workout in lately hasn’t been helping. With my next race looming, I needed to get a decent run in, so I came home from work and laced up a pair of sneaks that the fine K-Swiss folks sent me. (Speaking of K-Swiss, I’ll have a K-Swiss giveaway soon!)

I ran to the Brooklyn Bridge, across it and back. My Garmin never found a satellite, so I thought I was running 5 miles, but it was closer to 4. That’s fine because it was a GREAT run. Finally. My breathing was a little rough at the beginning, but my lungs opened up by the end. As usual, I’m in a much better mood than I was before the run.

When I came home, I made a stir-fry with some kale, broccoli, red pepper and chicken sausage. I ate with brown rice.

And now I’m snuggling with this little dude.

A late lunch post:


Okay. Let’s play a little game. Not all three of those pictures represent my lunch! The three pictures are what my coworker Jessie and I had for lunch. How well do you know me? Which is mine and which is Jessie’s?

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